Visit to the antanimora prison

Autism Madagascar and Association ZO brought the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA) to visit the Antanimora Prison last Tuesday.

The purpose of the visit was to look at the social situation of the prisoners in the prison.
We would like to thank the prison authorities for welcoming the entire team during the visit.

The visit was very moving and we hope to find a permanent solution to provide a better place for the prisoners.

Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa, Autisme Madagascar and the ZO association visited the Antanimora prison last Tuesday.

The reason for the visit is to see the social reality of inmates in the correctional facility.
We send our gratitude to those in charge of the penitentiary institution for welcoming the entire team during the visit.

The visit was very emotional and we hope to find a lasting solution to offer a better place for the inmates.

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